One of the newer players to enter the cooling market
is a company called Thermaltake. Founded in 1998, they attempt to
their mark with a truly cool looking unit dubbed the "Golden
Orb". Click here
to see the specs.
To start off, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the geeks over at
Planet Savage for lending
me one of their most cherished possessions. ;-)
Though this cooler wasn't designed for PPGA Celerons, I tried it out
anyway for the sake of keeping in-step with our Socket
Cooler Roundup. As expected and as you'll find out later on, this unit
isn't up to par with some of the others when paired with a processor
that's beyond it's specifications.

The clip design, though great when applied, leaves a lot
to be desired where installation is concerned. It took quite a bit of
pressure and twisting around to get the thing mounted securely. Once it's
on though, it sure as hell ain't comin' off. It might help to use a small,
flathead screwdriver when mounting. Be sure to take extra care so as not
to break off those small plastic tabs on the socket itself. Doing so on an
expensive, new mobo has been known to leave a geek with a very heavy
feeling, sometimes even considering suicide. ;-)
One good thing when using this cooler is it's small profile. On most
Slot-1 mobos (while using a converter card), you're not likely to lose any
DIMM slots.
This cylindrical design may have some trouble fitting into slots with
unusually high circuitry spanning the front. And for Socket mobos,
capacitors alongside the socket itself may get in the way. Be sure to
check the specs. page for dimensions before buying one just to be
Looking at the heatsink itself, I must say that it truly is a work of art.
Aerodynamically designed, the "bended" fins give you a bit more
area to dissipate heat, as opposed to just placing some straight strips of
Aluminum which will extend the heatsink's height enough that it may
actually block DIMM slots. And the 20CFM, 4500RPM fan attached, though
small by my standards, is no slouch either. I don't have a decibel meter
here to test for noise but it's rated at 26dBA which really isn't much.
And even if you can't buy
one locally, it's still pretty easy to get one online if you want to take
the extra steps and have a credit card. If not, the Globalwin FKP32
coolers are still available and ready for the taking.
Cost (ESP): US$15.00
Here's how it performed in our tests:
Idle, Ambient at 30.3C

Full Load, Ambient 30.6C

I know. The results aren't so great and some of you may be disappointed. But, I should remind you that this test was done
with an Intel Celeron 366 PPGA overclocked to 550 which this unit wasn't
designed for in the first place. Part of the heatsink's contact area
wasn't even touching the processor's slug. Here a small illustration:
The black part is the processor's slug while the gray
part is the heatsink's contact area. That definitely IS NOT the kind of
contact you'd want to get.
That said, I have no doubt in my mind that this cooler
will do very well on an FC-PGA processor since it already did so given the circumstances. Don't trust me? That's cool since I'll be making
a comaprison soon using 3 FC-PGA coolers.