Global Win CPM25603-32

The Global Win CPM25603-32 is an older model, but it is
still a very good performer, even with it's small size. This is probably
the first unit from Global Win that I ever owned. Click here
for the specs.
The CPM25603-32 won't work with the FC-PGA processors because, like the 2
previous Global Win units, it sports that friggin' lip. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
That lip is makin' me CRAZY!!! ;-)
Cost (ESP): Php 1,200.00
Here's how it performed in our tests:
Idle, Ambient at 30.4C

Full Load, Ambient 30.6C

It doesn't perform as well as the other coolers, but it
still isn't bad. For it's size, it's pretty competitive. Now I remember
why this used to be my favorite cooler. It comes equipped with a 26CFM,
4200RPM, Y. S. Tech Fan like the previous 2 units.