08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
Wanna know how to prevent condensation problems while using a
peltier to cool that hottie processor of yours? Head on over to OCTools
and they'll let you in on it.
As an aside, a lot of people inquiring about peltiers have some
misconception that the Philippine climate isn't suited to this
type of cooling. So, to set the record straight, PELTIER COOLING
WILL WORK AND WORKS REALLY WELL. I've done it. So can you. Just
make sure that you get good insulation or your PC's internals
will go swimming. For best results, build your own water-cooler.
I really miss the ole days...
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Virtual Hideout has a
new guide.
They tell you how to change your case LEDs to another color. Great
stuffs for sure.
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
They're nuts!!! They're nuts I tell ya!!! Insane
Hardware sends word that ELSA is not the only nVidia-based
video card manufacturer affected by some issues like not booting
on some mobos. Apparently, ASUS video cards are acting the same
way. Interested? Click here.
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
G3D says Iwill has announced new mobos based on Intel's Solano
(815/815E) chipset. Here's the part I liked best:
"Irvine, CA (Wednesday, August 9, 2000)
Iwill Corporation, the leading manufacturer of SCSI and IDE RAID
motherboards, announced the arrival of its new line of Intel®
815E and 815 motherboards all featuring MicroStepping, Iwill's
new software CPU Frequency adjustment setting that allows the
Front Side Bus to be adjusted in 1 MHz increments up to 200
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
64-bit processing goodness from AMD right here.
Gotta love 'em dudes over at CPUReview.
If they were here, I'd give 'em a hug. Hmmm. Ok, maybe just a
pat on the back then.
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek PCNut, one of the better
online stores I know, has a combo for sale. This is comprised of
ASUS' venerable P3V4X mobo and an Intel P3-650 cB0 processor.
What this comes out to is about 910Mhz. stable.
Why am I telling you all this? Simple. It's because these
guys have a review.
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Club Overclocker,
where all us overclockin' geeks hang out, has a Vantec HDD
cooler review
up. Just in case you didn't know, your HDD is one of the hottest
components in your system and deserves all the cool air you can
blow at it.
They get a TBird (nope, the processor, not the lesbian) 900 all
the way to the 1Ghz. mark. It's interesting to note the the
processor only has an actual core speed of 700Mhz.
As if that wasn't enough, they're even giving the processor
away. Rich is what they are. ;-)
To enter the contest, simply sign up for their forum
and post a minimum of 10 productive messages. SCHWEET!!! Get
08/10/2000 - Posted by Head
Check out them curves on my new Babe
of the Week. Yum!!! We are GEEKS and we ALWAYS GET THE
BABES!!! Aren't pictures great?
Ok. Due to numerous requests from chat babes (Ok. So there were
only 3. Geez...), I'm posting my pic in all my horny glory. ;-)
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
World Domination!!!! Muhahahaha...
Well, ok. I had a flashback to my days of "Pinky and the
Anyway, FragPipe-hosted, World
Domination, has some new pics of stuffs from their Half-life
mod like a handheld radio you can use for calling airstrikes.
Cool!!! I get to blow things up!!!
As an aside, if ever I did rule the world, I could have all the
babes I want. But then again, forget the babes!!! They'll just
suck (errr...)!!! Gimme all the hardware!!! YEAH!!!
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Chick's Hardware
sends word that they have some more case mod submissions. Some
of you might not be interested so here's something to get your
case mod apetite started...
I don't know about you guys, but I think that
must be one of the coolest LAN cases ever made. Besides, you can
use it when you travel too. Click here
for more.
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
That nut over at our favorite
OC site has a review
up. This one is of Abit's KT7 which is a Socket A mobo for AMD's
latest crop of processors, the Athlon (Thunderbird) and the
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek William, one of our
contributing editors, has some notes he'd like to share with all
you ASUS P3V4X owners. Here's his stuffs:
simply using your p3v4x, by that I mean using it normally with
no overclocking at all, the clock generator gets hot.You can confirm this by touching the little dark chip in
front of the dimm slots after using the mobo for about 30
minutes.Now if that is hot, imagine how hot it would get when you
overclock your processor, increased vcore and io voltages!I saw this on Overclockers.com
that you need to cool the clock generator because it gets
abnormally hot in overclocked conditions and can affect
overclocked performance.What I did is put some thermal compound on a heatsink I
got from a dead 486dx, and stuck it on top of the ICS chip with
some super glue.I booted up
then touched the heatsink and, well, it was hot, then I knew it
successfully sucked kinetic energy from the chip and I’m
assured that i'm not going to fry the ICS chip by overclocking.BTW, if you are using the new version of the p3v4x, the
clock generator is not ICS but WINBOND that has fewer FSB
Great!!! Don't you just love it when you hear the words
"sucked" and "hot" in the same sentence? Now
what does that remind me of? Hmmm...
BTW, if you're gonna try this out, you only need to put small,
itty-bitty spots of glue on the 4 corners on the clock generator
chip. For a more permanent approach, you can go grab some
"Pioneer Steel-Filled Epoxy" and go nuts. The stuff is
electrically conductive so take care that you don't short
anything out. Lastly, thin layers of the interface materials are
highly recommended.
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
BABES!!! Woohoo!!! Well, not really but I guess it was worth the
thought. Chick's
Hardware, the best place to have both, has updated their US
Price Guide again. Wondering what's the best deal in town?
Go find out.
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
Oh yeah. Before I forget. Thanks to the guys who told me to
Seriously though. Sincere thanks for wishing me well. :-)
One question still comes to mind though. Where the hell is my
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek G3D has some contest
action going over there. Thermal grease, case fans and even a
steering wheel are the items to be had. Join!!! Join I say!!!
Click here.
08/09/2000 - Posted by Head
Man!!! This week sucked a lot.
Anyway, the stitches are gone and the pain is bearable so back
to business we go.
08/02/2000 - Posted by Head
Ugh. I'm in friggin' pain!!! :-(
I'm still recovering from my small dental operation. Been in bed
A LOT since Monday. I'll be up & around soon. Well, at least
I hope so. ;-)
08/01/2000 - Posted by Head
Also, check this out...
That's what I got with the first of 2 Intel
P3-750 FC-PGA processors that came in today. It wasn't as gracefully
done as the old P3-700
that I had, but should be workable for a while at least. It's
been running Prime95 Torture Test for the past 7 hours and it's
still chugging along as I type this. Thanks to Microstation
for the stuffs. More later...
08/01/2000 - Posted by Head
Ok. I'm back. Having no access to your mail really sucks balls.
Here's what we all missed out on:
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
William shares his experiences overclocking some Celerons here.
Gotta love it when readers contribute stuff to make everyone
else drool. ;-) And with almost no effort too. Geez...
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
Lastly, but not leastly. The
techsite with all them HOT hardware babes has another review
going. This one's of the Natural Keyboard Pro from Microsoft.
That thing looks kinda hard to play games on. But then, who
plays games? Anyone? Oh...
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
So what do you get from an ASUS A7V and a Duron 650? A
WHOPPING 950Mhz. BABY!!! You will prolly hafta be totally
nuts to get it though. Click here.
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Club Overclocker
has opened Week #9 of their Summer
Giveaway. Man does time fly when your having fun. Anyway, as
usual, head on over there
and win something for the homies. Quick!!! Quick!!!
Well, I'm wondering the same things you are so there. Wolvie3985
has updated their GeForce pricelist here.
It looks to be a complete listing so head on over there and find
out what's on the cheap.
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
There's a new penguin on the block. First, there was the Linux
birdie. Then, that Abit birdie. And now we have The Card Cooler
XT. Hmmm...
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
Here's a link
to a newsletter from Iomega, those guys that bring us cool
storage thingies. Great stuffs for sure.
07/28/2000 - Posted by Head
I thought I'd post this since AOpen Products are starting to
show up around these parts. Dan's
Data has a review
of one of their video cards, the PA256Pro. What's so special
about it? Well, it's prolly one of the cheapest GeForce2
GTS-based cards out there. Read all about it here.
They're sending over heaps of stuffs regarding a Thermaltake
Recall. Don't know what that is? Neither do I. Good thing
they're here to clear things up.
G3D Version:
"Here's something I felt some people out
there should know. This is a direct
quote btw:
"WARNING! If you purchased a Thermaltake socket 462 version
Duron/Thunderbird here or anywhere else DO NOT USE IT and return
immediately, where you purchased it, for replacement with the
new version or
a different cooler. Thermaltake totally screwed up and it is
reported on the
web that it is breaking K7's and does not fit correctly."
Thanks to Millisec.com for emailing this to their customers. I
figured some
of your readers might appreciate knowing this if they did buy
one of these."
Club OC Version: "Here's some good info I thought you all should know before you inflict damage on that new Duron / Thunderbird CPU.
Thermaltake Socket 462 Recall - July 27th, 2000 Scott
I just received a message from Jim Phillips of Millisec.com that he is personally recalling all his Thermaltake Socket 462 heatsinks. Jim also enclosed a letter, which I'm withholding, asking Thermaltake to pay for their screw up. Here is the message I received:
"WARNING! If you purchased a Thermaltake socket 462 version for Duron/Thunderbird here or anywhere else DO NOT USE IT and return it immediately, where you purchased it, for replacement with the new version or a different cooler. Thermaltake totally screwed up and it is reported on the web that it is breaking K7's and does not fit correctly. I am instituting a recall of all coolers I have sold and below is a letter to Thermaltake demanding an industry wide recall. Fortunately I only initially got and sold a few. Some resellers out there got and sold a lot of these coolers." (Letter to Thermaltake withheld)
For more information, head over to www.millisec.com.
Be sure to check in at www.cluboverclocker.com as I'll be keeping you all posted on the events as they unravel."
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
Still pondering on how to go about hacking away at your new AMD
processors? Well, ponder no more!!! Athlon
OC shows you how. Let's
get to it!!! But then again, there's gotta be an easier way.
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Extreme
Overclocking has another review
up. This time, they take on the Tennmax Lasagna BGA Cooler. This
thing ROCKS!!!
I ordered some of these from some guy who was supposed to come
over from the US. I wonder what happened. (?!?!?) HEY!!! If
you're reading this post, gimme a call!!! I want my Tennmax!!!
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
Here's some scoopage for you guys regarding ALi's DDR Chipset
for AMD Processors:
July 26, 2000, San Jose,
California: Acer
Laboratories Inc. (ALi) today announced the ALiMAGiK 1and
MobileMAGiK 1 its new core logic chipsets which
bring together for the first time support for AMD AthlonTM processor,
the Mobile AMD AthlonTM processor, and the AMD DuronTM
processor, PC 1600/PC 2100 DDR and 133 SDRAM memory, and AMD’s
PowerNow! TM technology. In its press conference held
in Taipei, there is also a live demonstration of the system
utilizing the newly developed chipset. The ALiMAGiK 1 and
MobileMAGiK 1 chipsets provide performance and
flexibility in developing systems utilizing these AMD
microprocessors for both the mainstream and value segments of
the desktop and mobile PC market, respectively.
ALi is among the first to bring a
DDR chipset to market, thereby responding to the strong demand
from large OEMs and motherboard manufacturers for a complete DDR
solution. DDR is the next mainstream memory technology that
provides an optimum balance of performance, power, cost
effectiveness and feasibility. “The DDR SDRAM market is
projected to grow from 3 percent share of the total DRAM market
in 2000 to 50 percent in 2004,” said Sherry Garber, senior
vice president at Semico Research. “ALi has stepped up to the
challenge to provide the market with the necessary chipsets
required to enable DDR technology in the PC market space.”
“In response to the demand from
our OEM partners, AMD is working with ALi to enable the delivery
of next generation desktop and mobile platforms supporting
AMD’s Socket A infrastructure,” said David Somo, vice
president of marketing for AMD. “ALi’s ALiMAGiK 1 and
MobileMAGiK 1 chipsets further demonstrate the
widespread industry support for our Socket A infrastructure, and
the top to bottom desktop and mobile solutions that are planned
based for AMD’s Socket A processors.”
The ALiMAGiK 1chipset,
designed for desktop PCs, includes the M1647 Northbridge and the
M1535D+ Southbridge and it supports the AMD Athlon processor or
the AMD Duron processor. ALi’s MobileMAGiK1
chipset is designed for portable systems utilizing the Mobile
AMD Athlon processor, and includes the M1647 Northbridge and the
M1535+ Southbridge. Both chipsets interface with AMD’s
100/133MHz double data rate S2K front side bus. The memory
controller in the M1647 supports PC1600/PC2100 DDR, as well as
66/100/133 SDRAM to provide flexibility in targeting systems
utilizing the chipset to specific price/performance segments of
the market. “Our new ALiMAGiK 1 and MobileMAGiK
1 chipsets provide system designers with extensive
flexibility. By supporting DDR along with SDRAM, system vendors
can smoothly transition from SDRAM to DDR and optimize system
configurations for specific market segments,” explained C.L.
Tsai, VP of System Products Division for ALi.
Utilizing PC-2100 DDR, the
M1647 enables 2.1 GB/second peak bandwidth between the system
memory and ALi’s Northbridge to boost system performance to
the next level. Total system memory supported is 3GB to meet the
demands of higher-end workstations. When used in power-conscious
systems such as mobile PCs, the M1647’s support for AMD’s
PowerNow!TM technology allows CPU operating frequency
to be changed and lowers voltage to save power. The chipset
supports 4X/2X/1X AGP providing flexibility to system designers
in choosing that particular graphics controller which provides
the best solution in a given market segment.
Depending on the system
configuration, ALi provides either its M1535D+ desktop
Southbridge or its M1535+ mobile Southbridge to complete the
chipset. These highly integrated devices provide integrated
AC-Link Host controller, Hardware Sound Blaster Pro/16
compatibility, Host Signal Processing (HSP) software modem
interface, ACPI support, Ultra DMA 33/66/100, USB and Super I/O
controller. ALi’s advanced power management system in the
M1535 and M1535+ mobile Southbridges couples with ALi’s
extensive experience in the mobile PC market to provide the most
advanced solution for AMD Athlon processor-based mobile systems.
From the low-end value segment up
through professional workstations, the flexibility provided by
the M1647 Northbridge in memory support, graphics flexibility
and Sourthbridge options, allows system manufacturers to address
a broad spectrum of PC segments with a single chipset. The
ALiMAGiK 1 chipset is sampling now and will be in volume
production in Q4. In 20K quantities it is priced at $31. The
mobile version of the chipset – MobileMAGiK 1
– is also sampling now with production in Q4. This chipset is
priced at $36 in 20K quantities.
About ALi:
Acer Laboratories Inc. (ALi) is
one of the world’s leading personal computer core logic
chipset manufacturers. In addition to core logic chipsets, the
company designs and manufacturers a full range of PC peripheral
devices including X86 embedded controllers, super I/O
controllers, scanner controllers as well as MPEG, CD-ROM and DVD
controllers for both the PC market and the consumer/information
appliance market. The company aims to become a major solution
provider in the emerging information appliance era. The company
employees about 600 people with sales revenue of about $130
million in 1999. Find out more at http://www.ali.com.tw.
For Further Information Contact:
Acer Laboratories Inc., USA
Nancy Hartsoch
Vice President Marketing and Sales
Tel. +1 (408) 544-3105
Email: nancy_hartsoch@acer.com
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek G3D: Gaming in 3D has a
new case cooling guide up and about. It's been said time and
time again that cooling your case can help your OC. Sound dumb?
Go read
and they'll prove it to you.
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
I guess it's official. ASUS will be shipping the A7V mobos with
the dipswitches. Well, at least that's what these guys
say. Yummy!!! Check out the full scoopage here.
07/27/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek The girls have
updated their US
and UK
CPU & Video Card Price Guides again. We should be getting
better deals soon.
07/26/2000 - Posted by Head
Kyle over at the Hard|OCP
has a new Socket
HSF Roundup goin'. When was the last time they did something
like? I don't know. But as always, it should be good.
07/26/2000 - Posted by Head
This is new. Well, ok. The guy sending this over is new to me.
Anyhoo, Saltire Systems has some great stuffs posted over there.
They go ballistic on an Abit VT6X4 with H. Oda's tweak proggies
to try and get some more performance from the poor lil' Via
chipset. Then, they go and review a Cardport Swift USB
Smartmedia Reader. Check out all this stuffs here.
07/25/2000 - Posted by Head
This just in. Ramil over at OCTools
sends word that they've reviewed The Card Cooler's XT model.
It's interesting when someone makes a business out of something
you've been doing ever since. Oh well. Click here
for some great stuffs.
07/25/2000 - Posted by Head
Are you in the market for a great little MP3 Player? If so, you
might wanna check out G3D's
review of the Rome
MP3 Player. This one looks very familiar. I wonder where
I've seen one of these things before? Hmmm...
07/25/2000 - Posted by Head
Do you feel the need for speed and have an Athlon-based rig to
fill it with? TweakTown
has some reviewage
on one of the more popular GFDs out there. Don't know what that
is? Here's a snip:
"The Freespeed Pro is one of
the older AMD Athlon goldfinger devices on the market today. The
Freespeed Pro is manufactured by Ninja Micros and sold in
Australia by PC Index. The Device
itself if relatively small, it uses 2 banks of 8 dip switches to
control the multipliers and core voltage and uses a small
scsi-like connector to attach to the goldfinger port. The device
is powered externally from the 5V rail from the power supply. It
uses a standard hard disk or CD Rom power modular connector
which if you don't have a splitter can take away a valuable
power connector..."
07/25/2000 - Posted by Head
In some more gaming news, FragPipe
has the stuffs on a
new mod for Half-life called "Socomm: Black
Operations". If it's anything as good as Counter Strike,
count me in.
Oh, and while you're there, check out their review
of a cordless mouse from Microsoft.
07/24/2000 - Posted by Head
Some more new guys on the OCM news front, Xtreme
Tek has a review
posted of a Voodoo5 5500 Video Card. Hopefully, I'll be getting
one of these babies soon for the Planet
Savage guys to play with.
07/24/2000 - Posted by Head
It's time to break out the Dremel tool once again as Fusion
Hardware teaches us how
to cool our PCs on the cheap. Well, a Dremel isn't exactly
cheap but still wouldn't be such a bad investment for a true
tweak freak.
07/24/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Chick's Hardware
has updated their sexy case mods section. Check 'em out here.
These things rule!!!
07/24/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Extreme
Overclocking has a new new guy in the house. He's written an
for newbies on how to overclock your system. I think this is
just the first installment so expect a follow-up in the near
future. So, if you're stupid about overclocking, I suggest you
head on over there
and get some education.
07/24/2000 - Posted by Head
I was given the chance to hang out with those cool Asiantech
guys last Saturday night and it was really a lot of fun. With
discussions ranging from Molecular Computing to some babes
mammaries, the meeting rocked!!! Not to mention the fun of
killing a few more brain cells than should be allowed with
several beer barrels. ;-) Cheers guys!!! I'll bring a camera
next time so we can have proof.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I was away for the weekend and
didn't have anyone else to help with the news. So, like what I
always do when something like this goes down, I post the news in
skimpy fashion. Here we go...
You're prolly wondering what exactly that is? A
VCR? An Amplifier? Well, it's not. That's the C-Box. A what? A
C-Box. It's actually a computer case. Pretty neat eh? You can
find more info here.
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Fusion Hardware has
part 2 up of their nVidia Media Manipulation editorial. Read it here.
I'd join the gang and make one but everything I wanna say has
already been said. Hmmm...
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek NetKills has a cool
little article
telling us how we can make our own models for Half-life and it's
mod, Counter Strike. Great!!! I want my pretty face on there
someday. ;-)
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
The site with a cute and cuddly name, LittleWhiteDog.com,
has a review
up. They take on Sun's Star Office 5.2 Suite. This is supposed
to be the Linux version of Microsoft Office. Is it any good?
They'll tell us for sure.
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Our favorite club
is giving away a free 128Mb. PC100 stick and a shirt. Forget the
shirt!!! Give me the ram!!! Click here
to win some.
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
More nVidia Love and Hate in my mailbox this morning. Well, ok.
It's more Hate actually. ;-)
what the guys over at Insane
Hardware have to say about nVidia's recent attempts at media
Cool!!! A little controversy is never a bad thing. ;-P
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Lavie sends word about this article
up on The Register.
It's about Samuel reaching Ghz. speeds sometime soon, and
hopefully pummeling Intel somewhere along the way. Yikes!
Anyway, if you don't know who Samuel is? He's the new core for
Cyrix's processors.
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Hey!!! Dan's at it again
with the crazy shenanigans. Well, always a good read over there.
Anyway, he's still trying to get his KA7-100's Raid Controller
working so here
we go. Kinda like an OC journey in Raid Form. Hmmm...
07/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown has some AMD
Scoopage. It seems as if AMD and ASUS are teaming up to
release some unlcoked Thunderbirds. Yes, you are hearing me
right. Still in doubt? Then check this
As if that wasn't enough good news, they've also got a Gecko
MP3 Player review. I don't know about you but that does look
like one cool unit.
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
Hah!!! Some more stuffs
about nVidia's manipulative proceedings. Well, I take it they
haven't tried doin' it to Fusion
Hardware, but I guess now they won't even get the chance.
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
What's your mouse? Reviewnews
take a look at Microsoft's Intellimouse Optical here.
I want one!!! If only these things came cheap...
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
Ever wondered what the heck them USB ports are for? PC911
has got you covered.
Here's an intro: "USB, which stands for Universal Serial
Bus, has been quite successful in the computer market in the
last couple of years. PC911 has the scoop on its advantages, the
caveats, and how to troubleshoot USB problems."
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
The site with a vendetta on the net, NetKills,
has a review
up of Motocross Madness 2 by Rainbow Studios. Nothing like goin'
ballistic with a motocross bike. Yeah!!!
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
Apple? Pickin' fights? Noooo!!!
Anyway, The Tech Report,
has this
to say. They should do some reports on Mac oc'ing if you ask me.
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
Cheap speakers? I don't know about that but Extreme
Overclocking has some scoopage
on an Advent Multimedia Sound System. They seem to like it a
lot. Need proof?
God on fire!!! If you want to hear some excellent sound quality
with incredibly powerful bass, you need to pick up these
speakers. I have been using these things for a few weeks now,
and the quality still shocks me. No matter what volume I have
this system run at, it returns no static. Users can control the
volume of the speakers, the treble output, the bass output, and
the gain on the sub."
07/20/2000 - Posted by Head
And for some Thursday morning blurbs:
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Fusion Hardware,
the guys who slap those lil' hardware atoms together, has a newbie
guide up!!! This time, they teach you guys who don't know
crap how to increase disk space and get a slight boost in
performance. I have one of my own and it won't even take up a
format c: /u
Hah!!! I'm good!!! If that doesn't take care of all your disk
space woes, I don't know what will.
NOTE: This is a joke!!! Do not do this
unless you wanna erase all your data permanently!!! If you do,
I'm gonna laugh my ass for a week. You've been warned!!!
Well, he's only the author of a Half-life Mission Pack, Edge
of Darkness. Half-life truly rocks!!! Hangar 16 is hosted by
FragPipe. Yeah, yeah. I
had to give them a plug so sue me. :-)
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Ok. You local dudes looking for a Duron or Thunderbird will be
pleased to know that they are available in volume. The Durons
come in 600 & 650 flavors while the Thunderbirds come in
700, 750 & 800. As for mobo availability, look to MSI!!! The
ones from Freetech should be in stores pretty soon.
That's truly great news from those rockin' hunks down at Asiantech.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Chick's Hardware
has a review
up of a Cyber Acoustics CA-3440 Speaker System. Well, anything
that has "Cyber" in it's name must rock!!! Kinda makes
me wanna get into the chatrooms. ;-P
You wanna know what that is? Great!!! That's Freetech's
new Socket A mobo for AMD's Durons and Thunderbirds dubbed the
P6F7121B. See those dipswitches? You know what those are for?
Overclocking? Bingo!!! Give the man a cigar!!! Well, of course
this IS an engineering sample, but then, it gives us hope!!!
Here are the specs for this baby:
Athlon Socket A 600MHz-850MHz
AMD Duron Socket A
KT 133/KM133820
Audio Codec (Ver 2.1)
to 1.5GB, 3 DIMM
1 4x AGP Bus Slot
Board I/O
Floppy Port
2 Serial Ports (16550 UART)
2 PCI Enhanced IDE Ports(Supports Ultra DMA-33/66 Master)
1 Parallel Port (SPP/ECP/EPP)
1 IrDA Infrared Port
4 USB Ports
TV Out Connector
1 LCD Panel Connector
5cm x 22. 5cm
Wake on LAN Header
Creative SB-Link
Power on by Modem
Ring In
Year 2000 Compliant
Health Monitor
Keyboard Password
Power On
Connect to TV or LCD
Monitor (Optional)
Now doesn't that look real schweet??? Thanks go out to Asiantech
for hooking us up with this heads-up. :-)
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek CPU-bURN has a system
guide up. The have 3 types of 'puters for everybody. Read about
it here.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Jai over at Insane
Hardware has informed me that the Thermaltake Golden Orbs
are only for Intel FC-PGA processors and SHOULD
NOT be used with Duron or Thunderbird processors.
Great!!! Now where to get get locally? Hmmm...
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Some friggin' funny stuffs over at 3DAlpha.
Well, ok. He's prolly serious outta his butt all throughout the
rant but still is pretty damn hilarious from my POV. The Planet
Savage dudes might wanna read it too. ;-) Click here.
German translation: Bitte
clicken Sie hier. ("Ja. Ich kann ein bischen Deutsch
sprechen." - Head Geek)
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Techwatch has some
pics posted of the ASUS A7V. It's a new mobo designed to be used
with AMD's new Socket A processors. It might be interesting to
note that while these early revisions don't have the needed
dipswitches to tweak those processors, the next revisions might.
At least that's what ASUS says.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
What's new at OCM? Prolly nothing. But I'm planning to do a
feature on some local computer stores, as suggested by one of
the readers (you know who you are!!!). Any ideas on which store
to do first? Send suggestions here.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown, the only
place where tweaking is legal, has a new section up dedicated to
AMD stuffs. Aptly named, the AMD
Scoopage Report, it should be a nice place to get your
latest AMD info. As the first installment, they show their
technical prowess and tackle the "Theory of AMD's new
FSBs". Neato!!! And don't forget to bring Ice Cream!!!
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
MegaBaz over at NetKills has a preview of Microsoft's Midtown
Madness 2. Don't believe me? Here's a snip:
"Midtown Madness 2 features two new
fully-living and interactive cities, each with accurate street
maps and authentically rendered landmarks. London & San
They say that the release date should be around October 2000.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Fast-MHZ has some new
wallpapers up. Guess it's about time I make my own. Hehe.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
ASUS & Dual-FC-PGA? Hmmm...
Anyway, Insane Hardware
wants to let you guys know that ASUS has put up the goods on the
SMP-capable offering, the CUR-DLS.
Isn't that the one with no AGP slot? Find out here.
Those nuts also have some review
about an ASUS V7100 Geforce2 MX video card. I think these things
rock, even more if you overclock 'em. They're cheap too.
07/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek G3D: Gaming in 3D, has
a new review
up. Just in case you didn't know, Globalwin has a new cooler out
for socket-type processors called the FOP32. Funky name, huh? Go
read it here if you don't know what that is.
As an aside, we still have tons of FKP32
units to let loose into the local market so head on over to Monster
PC and get yourself one.
1st: Cool Compz Tri cool case
2nd: Liquid Radiation Deluxe Athlon water block!
I don't think you'll really need an Athlon rig for these babies
so go get yourself some!!! Just modify that block if needed. ;-)
07/18/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown has updated
their WinME
System Tweaking Guide. I was fooling with the OS the other
day and it certainly feels mucho better than Windows98.
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Tripod has been
sluggish for quite a few days now. I hope it's just a passing
thing with all the graphics I have on this site.
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Fragoholics Anonymous Lan Party
has a nifty lil' wallpaper for you guys. You can grab it from here.
Interesting name for a website to say the least. ;-)
"On almost all Intel chips, it is not
possible to change the multiplier. This is because some people
remarked the casing on chips so they ran faster, and then these
got sold and a large profit was made. Now Intel has put a
multiplier lock on CPUs so that the motherboard reads the
multiplier off the CPU and it can't be changed."
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Ahhh, yes. Another day, another addition to our news network. 3DHardware
sends word that they've reviewed the MidiLand
S2/8200 5.1 Dolby Digital SUPER Speakers. I dunno where to
get these babies locally though. Maybe nowhere but still worth
the read.
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Netkills has a new layout
up. Check it out along with all the latest gaming news.
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Techwatch, well,
Baywatch in computer form, has reviewed
the ASUS V7700 Pure GeForce2 GTS Video Card. Ooohhh momma!!! You
gotta love 'em 'puters in swimwear.
07/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown has a review
on an EPoX 7KXA motherboard. Here's quick snip:
"Back in the days when I was using AMD K5 and K6 CPU’s u have been using Epox. Now
when I began to hear the name Epox and Athlon in the same sentence and I had to go back
and look. The Epox 7KXA is not a new board actually it’s the oldest of the Athlon
motherboards based on the VIA Apollo KX133 AGPset. Epox in the past have been known for
making easy setup motherboard with their ESDJ and KPBO and USDM. Well lets see that
Epox have done now..."
07/16/2000 - Posted by Head
Matt over at AllHW.com sends
word that you guys just have 24 hours left to get a chance to
win one of three copies of Diablo II. Go here
and join up.
Speaking of Diablo II, I think it rocks!!! I just finished it
the other day using a Paladin and I'm starting a new game with a
Sorceress. Get it now!!!
07/16/2000 - Posted by Head
Some new guys on the OCM news front, Extreme
Overclocking has just posted their PC133
SDRAM roundup. Head on over there to see what we locals are
missing out on. Oh well.
07/16/2000 - Posted by Head
Hmmm. Netscape users aren't gonna have much fun on this site. I
just got myself a copy and man does that look screwed up. Kinda
reminds me of a time when I sniffed too much thermal paste.
That's how everything looked.
Well, I guess you're gonna have to stick it out with IE if
you're ever gonna stop by. Come to think of it, this post is
kinda dumb since Netscape users aren't even gonna see the
friggin' thing.
07/16/2000 - Posted by Head
The guys smoke the FragPipe
are wondering if footsteps
in Counter Strike are stupid. Well, when I hear 'em, I just
click on the poor mouse like a madman with his butt on fire.
There's nothing cooler than filling a wall full of lead. ;-)
They're also hosting 2 new gaming sites, GamerzHQ
and Hangar 16. I
guess they really need the hits so head on over and give 'em
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Anandtech, the dudes who
know what you prolly never will, have a socket cooler roundup here.
I wonder if they tackle Metallurgy. ;-)
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Fusion Hardware
takes a look
at the OS that's half the size as the original, Wini-ME. Well,
ok. The Evil Dude prolly wouldn't have anything to do with this.
Anyway, Microsoft's new offering, Windows Millennium, seems to
get reviewed a lot so I guess there are some things worth
looking at.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Some of you guys may need to do a hard refresh to get the latest
and greatest. Normally, pressing "CTRL" while clicking
the refresh button will do it. Lemme
know if something on the site is acting screwy.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Club Overclocker
has some reviewage of a Hard Drive Cooler from Vantec. This
things are great for cooling those highly aroused drives. You
can find the link here.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Reviewnews.com, the
guys that review our news, has a review
up of a game named Asheron's Call. I don't know what that is but
I'll tell you what. If some guy named Asheron calls me on the
phone, I'm friggin' hangin' up. Later dude!!!
These are some more new friends btw.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
The dudes from AllHW.com have
SCORED!!! Well, they scored an interview is what that is. This
time, they set their kinky stares at a store in the UK named Power
Computing which, btw, is responsible for the availability of
most overclocking goodies over there. Read it here.
Also on Chick's.
They have a case that looks like a DOG.
Huh?!? Now someone please tell me that there isn't any relation
between this and girls. Anyone? Well, just check out all the
cases since you're already there and lemme know what's up with
chicks and those cute lil' canines.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Some new friends over at Fast-MHZ
sends word that they have some cool wallpapers
up. Wallpapers rock!!! Anyway, they've moved IPs so that'd
pretty much explain the numbers in the linkage. They should be
back to their old http://www.fast-mhz.com/
real soon.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek G3D has a guide
up on which software is best for benchmarking your PCs. Hmmm.
Most hardcore folks prolly won't need anything like this but it
still gives us something to read when we're bored. ;-)
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Another post on the AMD front. Athlon
OC has a comparo
going between the classic Athlon and the ones with the new
Thunderbird core. I think the Thunderbird's are gonna whoop the
Classic's butt. What about you? A 9-page read isn't so bad. ;-)
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
One of our favorite OC sites
attempts to explain what AMD's 200Mhz. FSB really is here.
If you're like me who doesn't know jack about this subject, I'd
suggest you give it a read.
07/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Those crazy tweakfreaks over at TweakTown
take a look at the PC Chips 'all in one' M754LMR
Motherboard. Yep!!! As the name implies. It IS one of those
things that has everything but the kitchen sink integrated into
it. Check it out here
to find out if it's even worth the PCB it's printed on.
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
MegaBaz over at NetKills
sends word that they've reviewed a Sound
Blaster Live! sound card from Creative Labs. I don't know
about you guys but this card is definitely my fav.
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
Hmmmm. Looks like those chick's have been real busy. Chick's
Hardware that is. They've got some overclocking-related
scoops. First up is an Athlon 500 that they get up to 800. As if
that wasn't enough, they also get a Celeron 466 and crank the
poor bugger up to the 1Ghz. Mark. Damn fast if you ask me. Check
it out here.
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
Stay tuned for my review of a dual-capable mobo from MSI based
on Via's 133a chipset. I'll get it done once I find 2 matching
FC-PGA processors to play with. Of course, I am open to
donations. ;-)
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
Saw this over at Anand's.
Some pretty freaky stuffs goin' on over there. They go ballistic
on a poor FIC mobo tryin' to get a Thunderbird and a Duron up to
respectable speeds in an attempt to inform everyone which would
be a better purchase. Read it here.
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
And, some more new friends from FragPipe
(uhhh...) have some screenshots
of the up & coming game, Tribes 2. I remember trying to play
the first Tribes but quit after a while. Those maps were too
friggin' HUGE!!!
Most everything should be back online. I'll get some reviews
done real soon.
Thanks to everyone who wished me luck when the site went down
and to those who said the site looks real rad now. I'm not sure
what rad really means so I'll take it as a positive. ;-)
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Club Overclocker
sends word that there are only a few hours left to have the chance
to win some l33t stuffs. Head on over to their contest
page to enter. Hurry!!! Hurry!!!
07/14/2000 - Posted by Head
Are you into sims? No, no, no!!! Not "THE SIMS". I
meant SIMulations. You know. Simulation games. Well, if you are,
then you'll wanna read this over at the
tech site with all the babes. They've reviewed a game called
"StarLancer". I really don't know what it is so don't
ask me. Check it out here.
Also, they've updated their Mods
section. Mmmmm. Those tweaked out cases look real sweet.
07/13/2000 - Posted by Head
I just received word that the Durons will prolly be available
locally by next week. I don't know how the mobo situation looks
though so anyone who's well-informed about it can send me
07/13/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek This is the part where I post all of the news we missed in
briefs. Errr, shorts? Errr, panties? Dammit!!! Just read 'em.
"Please send a few details, a quick
sample article (say a paragraph or two) and a few
reasons why you should become part of the team to staff@fusionhardware.com,
and we'll get back to you."
Thanks to the guys from all these websites for the support
they've extend to me. I apologize for the quickie listing but it
was all I could do to keep from tearing all my hair out.
So, with this done, I can get back to doing the news the old
way. Good or bad? I don't know. But at least it'll be fun.
07/11/2000 - Posted by Head
The site is still offline. Don't worry. I'm working my cute lil'
buns off to get us back up. Thank you for your patience.
On a side note, it's pretty interesting to watch all your hard
work go down the drain along with your backups and work rig that
isn't even OC'd. Aaarrrggghhh!!!
Lesson learned? Make a helluva-lotta backups on every type of
media you can think of. BE AFRAID!!!
07/02/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Insane Hardware has
the scoopage
on the Asus V7100 video card based on nVidia's GeForce2 MX,
which is targeted at the value market.
07/02/2000 - Posted by Head
It's been a while since I last heard from these guys, and I'm
glad all is well. Allhw.com sent
word that they've updated their Athlon
Motherboard Compendium with 12 KT133 units. I didn't realize
there were already so many of these running around.
On a side note, they're also looking for capable dudes/dudettes to
help them out with the site. If you think you're up to the task,
head on over there and let them
07/01/2000 - Posted by Head
Hmmm. Ever wonder about those chipsets floating around nowadays,
and what's to come next? Well, if so, you might want to check this
stuff out over at Tech
Dungeon. Should be a good read.
07/01/2000 - Posted by Head
Just when you guys finally finished downloading your copy of
WindowsMe from some warez site, those crazy tweakers have come
up with a tweak
guide. Man!!! That was fast!!!
NOTE: Don't get your stuffs illegally!!! It's bad and
gives you HIV!!!
06/30/2000 - Posted by Head
We've made some more friends. Those suave dudes from VideoCardDrivers.com
sent word that they'll be choosing the top 15 questions, from
readers, to ask nVidia. Head on over to their site and shove all
your inquiries in their face. No kinky stuffs please. ;-)
06/30/2000 - Posted by Head
Our favorite club
has opened Week #5 of their summer giveaway. It really isn't
summer here, but I guess a chance to get free stuff picks no
season. Go
win something!!!
06/30/2000 - Posted by Head
Them cute girls over at PC-Alternative
have another review
up for all you value-oriented folks. This time, it's of an EPoX
MVP3C2 mobo. Does it kick major butt and not cost you an arm
and a leg? Let's find out.
Yikes. I forgot to post this one earlier. Intel's offering with
the name that's friggin' gay, Willamette, is now officially
released. It's still goin' with the Pentium moniker as Pentium
4. Hah!!! Who'd have guessed.
06/30/2000 - Posted by Head
I just received this press
release regarding an Inno3D video card using nVidia's
GeForce2 GTS GPU. The Inno3d TORNADO GeForce2 GTS should
be available here soon.
Does this look strange? Well, that's a temp reading from my ASUS
P3V4X using Motherboard Monitor 4.17. Spikes like these are pretty
normal with most current ASUS mobos I guess.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
As an aside, I received word yesterday that Villman
(a popular local computer store) has rejected our offer to
review their products, in an attempt to improve the potential
customer's knowledge. I think it's really unfortunate that they
don't think it necessary to educate you folks about their
stuffs, but I guess they have their reasons.
So, myself, being devoted to educating the masses about the
hobby and hardware in general, just can't seem to justify
purchasing hardware from a source that doesn't care about
educating those who keep their business alive. Namely you, my
readers, their customers.
Therefore, no more purchases will be made from them by me. This
decision is made only by myself based on my principles and
nothing else. My affiliates, nor my sponsors, have nothing to do
with this decision.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Tech Dungeon has a hardware
guide up for all you newbies. There's a Greek version too if
you're into that sorta thing.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Wanna see a new cooler from The Card Cooler? Our buddies over at
TweakTown have some
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Cool. Someone actually
went to all the trouble to review SETI@Home.
This used to be an addiction of mine. I mean, face it. Looking
for aliens is ALWAYS a cool thing to do.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Athlon OC has a review up of a K7V. Well, OCM being an Intel
stockholder's site (that's what some folks think anyway) prolly
shouldn't give a crap about AMD stuffs, but we're nice lil'
friggin' Intel stockholders so we'll just post this bit of news
to spite AMD. Hah!!!
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Mission: SUBMERSIBLE - Now playing at a theater near you...
Well, nothing to do with a new Tom Cruise movie. OCTools
has the final installment to this truly hardcore cooling
solution for the PC. If only I could pour that stuff without
freezing the dog's tongue.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Then again, there's G3D with a
review up of a portable MP3
Player called the Rio 300. It's supposed to help you get all the
pirated music off the Internet into your 'puter within a few
minutes. Ok. Maybe not. But still, if it fits your pocket and
plays tunes, it must be cool!!!
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Another one from our favorite hardware
site with all the babes. He's got a review up of a chick
named Elsa
Gladiac. She must be European or something with a name like
that. Anyhoo, it must be an interesting experience to review
babes for a living. I should seriously think about getting into
that gig.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
The Man over at Virtual
Hideout has some more Baybus
action for all us geeks. This time, he goes for Dual
LEDS with Dual Voltage. I don't really know what he wants to
do but it sure sounds friggin' cool.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Several stuffs from AMD:
Some Flash Memory shenanigans here
and some Extended Battery Life here.
Now who says we're Intel stockholders???
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Those nutty hardware
dudes have posted Via's Q4/2000 Chipset Roadmap here.
Head on over there for the full scoopage!!!
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Our good buds over at G3D
have a contest
thing going. All you have to do is check out their
forums, and you can win yourself a hot date with Asia
Carrera. Well, ok. Maybe not. But a GeForce2 doesn't sound
too bad. Does it? Huh?
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Chick's Hardware
has an update
to their CPU and Video Card Price Guide. It might be interesting
to note that the prices for chicks remain the same.
06/29/2000 - Posted by Head
We've got the news back today. Everything else will be online in
a few days. Thanks for your patience. And keep the news
06/27/2000 - Posted by Head
OCManila is off-line. Please
check back soon.
- Posted by Head
I'll be moving the site over to the new layout all throughout the week.
Expect me to post all reviews when I'm done. First up is the Abit BE6-II.
The news will keep on rolling though.
- Posted by Head
This might be interesting for you guys down in Cebu.
"CEBU, PHILIPPINES - JUNE 22, 2000 - ASIANTECH, the only
authorized source for AMD products in the Philippines, showcase at the
on-going COMDDAP CEBU 2000 the fastest PC processor available in the
country today, the 1GHz (1,000MHz) AMD Athlon™ Processor With Enhanced
3DNow!™ Technology."
Head on over to wherever this thing is being held and start drooling. ;-)
Hmmm. Hope these guys send me a cool Athlon processor soon.
- Posted by Head
Well. Lots of people have been asking for something like this so here it
goes. Virtual Hideout has a guide
up on how to make your own Plexiglas casing.
- Posted by Head
Some Socket A theories here.
- Posted by Head
Part II of mission submersible is up at OCTools.
- Posted by Head
Hmmm. G3D is giving away some
Logitech stuffs. Look here
and join up.
- Posted by Head
Our new friends from Tech Dungeon
show you the benefits of switching from the old Celeron to the new one.
Click here.
- Posted by Head
I'm back. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal real quick. Hehe.
The news will be in shortcut format today since I have to be somewhere
again in a few minutes.
- Posted by Head
This is way too cool!!! Literally!!! Well, unless you find running around
butt-nekkid around the north pole a satisfying experience. Those wacky
nuts at OCTools have some stuffs
about Liquid Nitrogen. Sound scary? You bet.
- Posted by Head
The buds over at G3D have an overclocking
guide up and about. If you're new to the hobby, I suggest you read
stuffs like this. I mean, if you wanna burn something bad and bust up your
rig, you should at least know how to do it properly. Right?
- Posted by Head
To those who couldn't find us today, we apologize. The venue was moved to
the 2nd level and we weren't informed beforehand. Oh well, life sucks I
guess when crap like that happens. We'll still be there on the 24th and
25th so you still have a chance to see us hunks.
- Posted by Head
Cool!!! Planet Savage has the review
of my Asus V6600 GeForce 256 SDR video card up. I hope they didn't burn
any of the circuitry in the process.
- Posted by Head
Those maniacs over at TweakTown
have a review
of the Leadtek Winfast GeForce2 GTS. Sounds pretty fast so you might wanna
check the thing out.
- Posted by Head
Ok. Week #4 of the Summer
Giveaway thingy is up at Club
Overclocker. They're giving some Micron RAM and a Crucial shirt. I'd
take the shirt any day!!! Of course we never wear clothes, but they look
real cool up on the wall.
- Posted by Head
Ok. We're all ready for the demo. Just in case you didn't know,
we're gonna be over at the Festival Mall in Alabang today, tomorrow and
Sunday as well. We'll be selling off some stuff and showing of 3 OC'd
rigs, one of which is here.
Just look around the 3rd floor where the Magic:
The Gathering tourney is being held. You'll find us there. We aren't
wearing any clothes so spotting us should be easy.
Big THANKS go to the "extremely-hot-baywatch-looking-babe" (She
still insists she's cute, but I don't know 'bout that. ;-)) and
"incredibly-hunky-pr0n-channel-dude" over at PC
Trends for giving us their full support, as well as the
"macho-and-oozing-with-sex-appeal" Axis
Global crew for sending over some flyers and mobos for us to display.
You guys RULE!!!
Well, that's about it. See ya, but I wouldn't wanna be ya!
- Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown has this
to say about a Globalwin CAF12 120mm fan. Wanna know what I think? No? Why
the hell not? Fine!!!
- Posted by Head
Geek G3D is overclocking an Athlon here.
I wish I could say the same thing but I can't. Someone send an Athlon and
GFD over so I can brag too!!!
- Posted by Head
Them wacky dudes over at Virtual
Hideout have a new Baybus with LEDs How-to Guide up that's sure
to make you all orgasmic. Uhhh. Hmmm. Well, check
it out anyway.
- Posted by Head
Well. This is prolly something we've all been waiting for. Kyle over at
the HardOCP has a review up of the
Abit SE6, one of the first Solano i815/i815E chipset based motherboards. I
haven't read it yet, but I'm pretty sure Kyle threw everything, including
the kitchen sink, at this baby. Ready! Get Set! Read!!!
- Posted by Head
Hmmm. Looks like I'm all booked till the next millennium where doing
reviews is of concern. Those hot chicks at Axis
Global and them really cool dudes (and one very strange and crazy
babe... hehe... you know who you are!!!) over at PC
Trends sent over a whole shebang of stuffs!!! I don't think it's even
half the store but it sure looks it.
Here's what we have lined up for you nuts, in no particular order:
128Mb. stick of PC133 SDRAM
Fujitsu 10Gb. Hard Drive
Abit VA6 Motherboard
Abit BE6-II Motherboard
Abit BP6 Motherboard
Tomato BXi98 Motherboard (to be done by PC-Alternative)
Epox MVP3G5 (to be done by PC-Alternative)
JoyImage Apollo Savage4 Pro Vid Card (to be done by Planet
JoyImage Apollo TNT2 Vanta Vid Card (to be done by Planet
Did I leave anything out? Hmmm. Guess I'd better get to work. See ya in
the year 3000!!!
NOTE: Planet Savage and PC-Alternative
are OCManila approved affiliates, just because they're friggin' weird.
- Posted by Head
If you wanna check out what good-looking macho men we really are, we'll be
having some kind of demo over at the Festival Mall in Alabang this Friday
till Sunday. I'll be there, along with a colleague of mine from Monster
PC, as well as those nutty, nekkid dudes from Planet
Savage. We'll be showing you 3 rigs and selling off stuff from Global
Win, Abit and EPoX at great prices so be sure not to miss it. We'll even
give you guys leaflets of our stuffs for free!!! Great for rolling those
green things that make you feel real good. I'll also be giving out some
mobos for those who come WITHOUT clothing.
- Posted by Head
Geek OCMax sent word about some guy getting
8000+ 3DMark points on the default benchmark. Now, for a guy like me, that
don't mean dick. I'd rather score with 8000+ chicks. But if you're into
computers, a result like that would prolly blow your socks off.
- Posted by Head
The guys over at G3D are at it
again. This time they take a guy from Innogear and put him in the hotseat.
Check it out here
to find out more.
06/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek CPU-bURN has a new review:
"Sony Spressa Professional 10/4/32X CD-RW"
Here's the intro: "With CD Recorders becoming so popular and affordable, we decided
to check out the latest entry from Sony. The Sony Spressa Professional
10/4/32X CD-RW. See how this IDE model stacks up!"
06/19/2000 - Posted by Head
The Abit BF6 review
has been updated with a more comprehensive store listing and a final
"Estimated Street Price". Check out what this is all about here.
06/19/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The Monster PC website will be
going offline for a few days to get some well-deserved layout updates. You
can send your inquiries here.
Speaking of updates, I'll be doing some on this site too. Any suggestions?
A pink color scheme with flowers all over is my kinda thing. NOT!!!
06/19/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Anyone ever think of painting a monitor but just didn't know how to go
about it? No? That's funny. I get the urge to do it all the time.
Especially after watching some pr0n chicks paint themselves like a bunch
of finger-painting undergrads. Anyhoo, here's a link
from G3D that tells you exactly
06/18/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Our favorite pr0n site, Chick's
Hardware, has a price guide
up. It's of computer parts and not chicks. Ok!!! Pretty neat stuff so head
on over there ASAP.
06/18/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Those dudes with the funny hats
are at it again. This time they pick on two of our most favorite/hated web
celebrities. Go here
and laugh your ass off. I don't know about you but I'm actually hoping
this is just a first installment.
06/18/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The Gallery is now open. The first
project on there is the demo unit for Monster
PC. Check it out here.
06/18/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek G3D is giving away more free
stuff!!! Enter here
to win yourself some Global Win units.
06/18/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The dudes over at Insane Hardware
have gone totally nuts!!! They overclock a GeForce2 card to 240/375 and
live to tell. Go read here.
06/17/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Another Golden Orb review over at TweakTown.
Maybe I should do one of my own and join the club. The review is here
if you're interested.
06/17/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Athlon OC has a review of another
Athlon mobo. This time it's of the AOpen AK72. Sounds like some gun if you
ask me. ;-) Go read here.
06/17/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Cool!!! OC Max has some kind of race
going on. No, no, no. No cars are involved here. Just 3DMark2000 scores.
If you think your scores are way up there, go
look and see how you fare.
06/17/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Hmmm. Intel has a new cC0 stepping? Check it out here.
06/17/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I've completed my review of the Abit BF6 motherboard. It's based on the
ole' Intel 440BX chipset so that means it's cool.
Check it out here.
Big PROPS go out to Axis Global
for setting this up.
06/16/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek G3D has a review up of the Elsa
Gladiac. Go check it out here.
06/16/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Those ridiculously good-looking (NOT!!!), vidcard-toting dudes over at Planet
Savage are done with their review of the Inno3D Tornado GeForce256
video card. Go over and read up, then buy one quick!!!
Again, I'd like to thank Axis Global for giving us some
support and for being really cool.
06/16/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek G3D has a review of a steering
wheel from Logic 3 called the PC
GTO Wheel. I've never really found the need to own one of these things
but I guess it's pretty cool for driving your virtual Ferrari around. You
could always use it as a hot-looking paper weight while you're parked.
06/15/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Our favorite club has a
review of a Golden Orb Cooler. Personally, I think the name should be
something like:
But I guess that just wouldn't market very well. Oh well, go read it here.
06/15/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The guys over at TweakTown take a
look at a mouse
that has no balls. Hmmm. Somehow I find it frightening that someone
would even care. SCARY!!!
"Don't you have any balls? Well your not alone, neither does the
Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical. Instead, it uses a optical eye (camera)
that takes 1500 pictures per second instead of the normal 200 pictures per
second or so with a normal ball mouse. And hey, when you have a mouse with
no ball, who needs a mouse pad... When you can use your arm?"
06/15/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Athlon OC is giving away more free
stuffs!!! Check em' out before the week ends.
Don't believe me? Read this: "It would be easy to become confused by the vast array of
processors out there, the types of connection, and more. You have Slot 1,
Slot 2, Slot A, Socket 370, Socket 7, PPGA, FC-PGA, etc. For quite some
time, Intel has been making Socket 370 processors that fit nicely into the
Socket 370 boards, these we have come to know and love as the Celeron.
Well, Intel has introduced a new breed of Socketed chips the FC-PGA or
Flipchip. With so many Slot 1 boards on the market, Intel felt it would be
in poor judgment to pull the SECC or Slot 1 processors. In fact some of
the new Pentium III Coppermine chips are coming in SECC cartridges.
Because there are still processors and motherboards made with Slot 1
configurations, motherboard manufacturers have had to come up with ways to
allow consumers to use any chip they chose on their motherboards. You are
all familiar with slockets from Abit, Iwill, and a few others. Well, AOpen
has entered the Slocket arena as well, offering us their AOpen FC-PGA CPU
Converter Card."
06/15/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The dudes over at OCTools have
themselves a nice lil' "Lapping
the Celeron" guide. Nothing more enticing than licking your
Celeron processor till it shines.
Sneak Peek: "What? Only Ferret would want to synthetically benchmark a case,
Wrong. Look, chances are if you are reading this you have at least dabbled
overclocking. Overclocking generates excess heat, as do all of the various
and sundry other pieces of hardware that you have mounted, stuffed or
into your (mewling little) case. It would be nice to know if the case you
plan on purchasing can keep things cool without having to cut large,
holes in the sides and top of it. (You, not me...I like big holes with
in them)"
"Noise: Here's a quick bottom line for ya. It spins like hell and
is loud. Got it? =)"
Come on!!! It can't be that bad!!! ;-)
06/13/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Martin over at Athlon OC has a new
review of the Soyo K7VIA
which should be of some interest to you Athlon toting nutheads. Go check
it out. I already did since I've been thinking of building an Athlon rig
06/13/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Hmmm. This sucks major balls!!! Looks like my Soyo 6VCA review is pretty
much screwed due to some incompatibility problems I'm experiencing. It
could be a screwy board so I'm having it replaced along with the MSI 6309
that's experiencing the same thing.
Sorry. But what can I do? Well, onto the Abit BF6 I guess.
06/13/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Some of our new friends from Hardware
Corner have put up a new Socket
Cooler Shootout. Sounds real interesting to me so it's loading in my
browser right now. Don't think so? Here's a clip:
"Well the Celeron have definitely proved to us how overclockable
they are. Especially the 300A and 366A CPU's. The ideal speeds for these
CPU's were 300A @ 450 MHz and the 366A @ 550 MHz Of course being avid
overclockers we weren't going to be satisfied with the speeds that we
achieved using the normal fan/heatsink that comes with the CPU. So we came
up with better cooling solutions to keep the CPU. cooler while we pumped
up the voltage and the FSB (Front Side Bus). We decided to take a
bunch of coolers and see which one is able to cool the CPU. pushing it to
the highest speed possible without crashing. We got the Alpha PEP66, Global
Win FKP32, Global Win FDP32, The Golden Orb and the RDJD K601 going head
to head."
06/12/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Our buds over at CPU-bURN have a
review of what appears to be a pretty neat combo from Global Win. They put
an I-Storm II hard drive cooler and a FKP32 HSF into the same rig to see
how it works out.
Wondering if that's a worthwhile thing to do? Check here.
06/12/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Geezers!!! Cameron over at TweakTown must be bored to the nuts!!! Hehe. Or
maybe just hard at work. Anyhoo, they've got a GeForce2 Overclocking
up just minutes after they reviewed the thing.
Here's a snip: "When I first saw the nVidia GeForce2 GTS reference board I
wondered how overclockable it would be. Well today folks we are using the ASUS
v7700 GeForce2 GTS 32mb DDR to see how to overclock the GeForce2
GTS graphics card! - In this overclocking guide we show you the following.
What You Need, bit of info on GeForce2 GTS Overclocking, Cooling,
Overclocking, Benchmarks and much more!"
06/12/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I wonder what's up with all these GeForce GTS reviews going around. It
must be something really good if it gets this much attention.
06/11/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
I've posted my "Overclocking-Related Mini-Review" of an
off-the-shelf Intel Pentium III-700 processor that's happily
chugging along at a lil' over the 1Ghz. mark. I don't know if it's
just luck, but it definitely brings hope to us, the consumers, and
gives us a birdie-view of what we can get for free.
06/11/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Hey!!! TweakTown is giving
away free stuffs again!!! Well, that's not entirely true. They have
another contest up for you talented WinAMP skin nuts. Check it out here.
"TweakTown are holding a contest where you design a modern
stylish WinAMP Skin for them and the winner takes home either a
Ultra-Cool Pentium-III SLOT1 Cooler or a JustCooler FC-900L Slot
Fan, winner chooses prize..."
06/11/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
The guys over at CTNews have
some ramblings
about the costs related to gaming. If you're a die-hard gamer, you
might want to check this out and know what some game companies might
be putting you through.
In doubt? Here's a quote: "While a die-hard gamer has the time and resources to
constantly keep up with technology, Joe Gamer out there really
doesn't. On the boxes of games minimal specifications are mentioned,
but have you ever tried playing a game with a machine with those
'minimal specs."
06/10/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Those fine looking handsome, smart, and sophistical guys at G3D:Gaming
In 3d have whipped up their new review
on the 2 Cool Computer Water Block. Here's
a quick blurb:
"A peltier? Ha! Air cooling? Ha! That's right folks. Us true
hard core overclockers use water baby. Today at G3D, we're taking a
look at 2Cool Computer's Water Block. This is designed for all
sockets by the way. ('cept for the BP6 Mobo). Now, everybody knows
if water leaks out and gets all over your computer parts, the CPU,
video card, sound card, motherboard, and etc. your screwed. Because
of this, you better invest your money in a good water block or your
screwed. Let's take a look at how 2 Cool Computer's fares:"
06/09/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Hmmm. This should prove interesting.
I picked up an Intel PIII-700 today from Villman,
slapped on an Alpha P3125, then plopped it into the BE6-II and
that's what I got. Well, not really. I could run all benchmarks that
don't use 3D, but when I try to do 3DMark2000, the thing bails.
Looks like my GeForce DDR can't handle the stress. It is, however,
stable at 1001Mhz. which is what I'm running right now. I'll get the
benchmarks up soon. This is just an example of what you might get if
you purchase a PIII-700 with the new cb0 stepping.
NOTE: This speed wasn't reachable with the stock cooler.
06/09/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I was over at Axis Global earlier
today and talked with some of the real nice folks there. They happen to be
the distributors of Abit and some
other cool stuffs here in the Philippines. They let me have an Abit BF6 to
review, as well as an Inno3D Tornado GeForce 256 video card that I'll be
sending over to our affiliate site, Planet
Savage, for them to fool around with. Our reviews should be up by next
week so watch out for those.
Big PROPS go out to the guys over at Axis
Global for being so cool!!! We should go send them mail expressing our
love. Ok, scratch that. ;-)
Here's a quote: "We've covered this one before in our old How To Setup A LAN guide(s) but because LAN Parties and LANs are such a common everyday thing now (for most) we have made a guide just for the NIC because without it you'd be screwed at a LAN ;) BTW - This guide is meant for a beginner/newbie so if you feel confident enough just zip through the rambles/information you already know."
"The week #2 drawing is now open! Head over to our contest page to find out how to win this week's drawing for a
Global Win VOS32 Monster Convertible Athlon/SECC2 PIII Dual Cooler provided by KD Computers!"
"The prizes are starting to stacking up with many more on the way so you still have lots of opportunities to win. In fact, we may have enough prizes to last us well into 2001!!!"
06/08/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek CPU-bURN has a new review:
"Data Plus - Mouse Plus USB-400"
Intro: "We are all working to achieve the greatest performance from
the least expensive equipment possible. CPU-burn has come across a
mouse which costs $11.50 and performs almost identical to its Microsoft
equivalent. For the budget conscious consumer, this review is a must
I don't know about you but I'm pretty picky when it comes to my mouse.
It's like choosing your woman. The curves have to be right and should move
like a fresh summer breeze. Ok, ok, ok. Go check
this one out before I lose myself again. ;-)
06/07/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Sorry for the lack of updates today. I've been real busy with some stuffs.
Thank Julius (not related to any Romans or NBA dudes) for reminding me
that I have this website to care of. ;-) Here goes!!!
I received some mail from G3D about a new contest they've set up. Here's
what's up:
"Are we nice guys or what? Anyways, now that our old contest has
(congrats to the big winner: Mike Palmer - Virginia) our new one has
Sorry it's not a PIII 550E, but instead it's a 55 watt peltier kit from
PelTEC. Woohoo! To enter, just check out the link below.
Note: To enter the contest, you just have to check out a few sites, and
mail in your answers. No registering in forums, no giving us your social
security card number, your credit card number, and more. Just sending us a
few answers. =D Good luck."
06/06/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek TweakTown has taken a look the MSI GeForce256 32mb SDR graphics card!
"TweakTown are happy to give you a review of the MSI GeForce 256 Power3D 8809 32mb SDR. This beautiful video card sports a 256 bit Single Chip GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), AGP 4x and 2x with Fast Writes support and a 350Mhz RAMDAC just to mention a few - Yummy!"
06/06/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek ASUS has released a new bios for the
P3V4X. You can get 'em here.
06/06/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Finally!!! The case-whackin' dude over in Singapore is back up and ready
to go. Virtual Hideout was gone
for so long that they accumulated all this stuffs for us to read. Rumor
has it that he was actually abducted by aliens but I guess he wouldn't
know anything about it.
Well, anyhoo:
AOpen HX08 Full Tower Case Review "The AOpen HX08 Full Tower Case is a very good case indeed. Solid construction with rolled edges, lots of working space inside, excellent cooling capabilities and plenty of drives bays. And the padlock location is a plus for situations where security is a must. And for case mods freak like me, the case is very Mod-Friendly!!! Trust me!!"
Rheostats Baybus How-To Guide "So you've just hacked your casing so you can install fans to improve it's airflow and help cool down your overclocked PC. Your system now runs cooler but you're getting a headache from all the noise the fans make!! You wondered whether you can live with all the noise or is there a simple way to control the noise. Enter the Rheostat Baybus!"
Stephen's HX08 Case Mods "A little history; Stephen a.k.a. Hacker contacted me after seeing some of my case mods projects and asked if I was interested to help him built one for his personal use. Obviously, I did not turn down the offer!! So we met up and we did a little shopping and he got himself the infamous AOpen HX08!! He then decided to have the exact same mods as my AOpen HX08 Full Tower, including the Rheostats Baybus! With a little extra in the form of a Temperature LCD Display!!"
06/05/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek FullOn3D has the stuffs on the new
1Ghz. AMD
Thunderbird processors. Go look here.
I want one. :-)
Intro: As you well know just about every person on the planet who has
anything to do with computers knows about MP3s. Napster has been on
the news for the past month sucking up the airwaves with the constant
controversy about weather or not it is legal. Well, in the spirit of
the events, we have decided to make a remote controlled MP3 Server, which
will integrate into your Home Theater system so that you can jam out with
the high quality speakers your Home Theater system uses! This server
has a dual purpose, it not only works to eliminate your CD collection, it
also plays DVD movies!
Hmmm. I wonder what the hell this MP3 thing is? ;-)
06/05/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Just received word from Dean that Villman
already has stocks of the Intel Celeron 566 and 600 processors. They also
now have the Abit BF6 and BP6 motherboards. They might have the Leadtek
GeForce IIs soon too.
06/05/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Athlon OC has a lil' giveaway
thingy going for the peeps. Check out this snip from the email:
" First place will get
1 Athlon overclocking package
Includes a rev 2.0 Northwind GFD
and a Northwind dual 60 cooler (Two 60mm Fans Provide 60 CFM of combined
airflow I haven't used this baby yet but it sure does sound like a sweet
"Second place will get
1 genuine Athlon 550 core necklace ( that's right 1 burnt out Athlon on a
chain) That sure does sound cool to me! I want one =) We'll post a pic of
probably tomorrow"
That sounds like good stuffs to me. It's one of those shindigs that make
me wanna win second place instead.
06/05/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
And here's what's up at G3D:
"G3D's art dude, Shizo, has whipped up an official G3D
wallpaper. It looks pretty nice....they've got them in 2 resolutions. The
wallpapers are in 800x600 and 1024x768. Even if your resolution is higher
than 1024x768, you can still download the wallpaper and stretch it. It
still looks great!"
06/05/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Magic Torch Overclocking
has bastardized a poor lil' GeForce. They strapped a Global Win VFP32C
Cooler on the thing and it looks rad. Check it out for yourself.
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek PC-Alternative has a review
up of a Tornado HSF. Looks like a nice unit for PHP 300.00 at PC
Options. I have no idea what it is or if it's any good so if that
applies to you too, I suggest you go over and read it.
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
The new Via 4-in-1 drivers are here!!!
Finally!!! I don't know if these are any good or if they won't screw
up your 'puter so be warned.
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
There are some T-Bird pics over at TweakTown.
No, no, no!!! They aren't dirty pics of lesbians doing the wild
thing. These are pics of AMD's new Thunderbird processor. Included
are some mobo pics so go here
if you find this stuffs interesting. My browser is already loading
as I type.
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Wanna see a pic of a 1Mb. Cache Athlon? Athlon
OverClocking has got your fill. Well, ok. So it's a fake, but it
looks real slick. Check
it out!!!
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek TweakTown has just published
their ATA33
vs ATA66 article! In this article they show you the difference
in speed, reliability, heat (temperature) compared to ATA33 and
Ultra ATA66 modes...
"How fast would you like to be travelling in your brand
spankin new Porsche 911 - 80k's or 100k's? It's the same when
comparing how fast you would like your hard drive to operate (or
spin) at on your PC. Although ATA33 and ATA66 are getting a little
'old' these days, they are still by far the cheapest and most
popular hard drive standards around the world (at time of
publishing), second coming to SCSI..."
06/04/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
This is cool!!! Club
Overclocker will be giving away free stuffs all summer long. I
really never win anything because my luck can suck an aardvark dry
but hey, you never know when you'll finally get that free
"Pamela Anderson life-size inflatable doll" you've always
wanted. GO NOW before they all run out!!!
"We have always felt that the
best things in life are free so we are going to give away some
really cool prizes every week all summer long! Well, at least
until all the prizes run out anyway! Thanks to our outstanding
sponsors, some very sweet prizes are starting to roll in and we
should have plenty to keep us busy for many weeks to come!
06/03/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Hmmm. I don't know about you but I really enjoy sex a lot. I'm just
wondering what this guy had for breakfast. Come on!!! You gotta
admit those E3 Booth Babes rock major buttholes!!! I'd prolly buy
into sex more than anything. I'm just some slinky-ass pervert like
everyone else!!! ;-) Still, it's a good read and deserves your
attention if you like taking things seriously.
Personally though, I would've "loved doing E3 Booth Babe"
pictorials if someone actually bothered sending me over. Of course,
I'd have taken some real shots during my
"smoke-cigarettes-till-you-fart-it" break just to fill a
page or two. ;-)
06/03/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
We have a new comparo up. This time we pit the Alpha P3125 HSF
against the Global Win VOS32. Has Global Win finally retaken the
crown? Find out here.
06/02/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Check this one out from Abit: "Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. May 31st, 2000—What is
SETI@home?Since its
beginning afew
years ago as an idea to ease the access to computing power for a
scientific project, the SETI@home
project has steadily grown in popularity and has become one of the biggest
distributed computing projects in the world."
though the SETI, or Search
for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence project has
existed for a while now, it got best known after the movie “Contact”
with Judie Foster came to cinemas around the world. Like in the movie, SETI
scientists try to analyze data from radio telescopes for signs of
intelligent origin. Instead of having to apply for large funds to buy
computing power of supercomputers to analyze their data, a team of the
University of Berkeley in California had the ingenious idea to ask people
around the world to help in their search."
- ABIT Motherboard: High
powered for any CPU you can throw at them
- ABIT graphic cards: If
you don’t find them with SETI, you can at least talk to, shoot orplay with aliens from cool
games with perfect graphics or excellent DVD playback.
ABIT Emodulator sound system: 5+1
channels sound system. If you don’t hear themwith this system, you might as well forget about it.
06/02/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Well, for those of you interested in mobo stuff, here's a press
release of the MSI K7T Motherboard for the AMD Thunderbird and Duron
processors over at TweakTown. They even have a
"birds-eye-view" shot of the motherboard!
06/02/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
nVidia has released some new drivers called the Detonator
2. Lemme know if they're any
06/01/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Hey!!! Check out what's going on at TweakTown?
"Starting off a HUGE month here @ TweakTown ( http://www.tweaktown.com
) - We have published our 4 PAGE - GeForce
Overclocking Guide, covered in the guide are such things as What
You'll Need, Video Card overclocking?, Why Should I, Cooling,
Overclocking, Benchmarks and more"
Want a quote from the guide? Here it comes:
"So you've got yourself one of the fastest video cards on the
market today, that is the GeForce 256. Why not make it a little faster? If
you are wanting to do so, overclocking is the answer... Overclocking any
video card in particular the GeForce, already run VERY HOT,
overclocking more then they are designed to be can kill or cause lockups.
Overclocking any product these days will, VOID THE WARRANTY, this is the
same with a GeForce 256 video card! We will not take any responsibility
for any damages, although you are unlikely kill your GeForce - unless you
push your card a little to far, Enjoy!..."
06/01/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Who needs water kit when you've got a peltier?! Today at G3D,
they've finished reviewing a 55 Watt
Peltier Kit from a new company known as PelTEC. (TEC standing for Thermo Electric Couple. Catchy huh?) Here's a quick
quote if ya need one:
"Today at G3D, we're taking a look at a 55 Watt Peltier Kit from a
new company known as PelTEC. With more people starting to overclock each day
and new folks coming up with insane solutions to cool your CPU, this peltier
kit might be more common in a month or so. Oh yeah and by the way, this kit is
for socket, so if you have Slot 1, forget about buying this kit. If your about to email me saying what a
lame ass I'm being, check out PelTEC for some Slot 1 coolers. Now
read on..."
Here are some snips: "When you talk hard drives, you talk speed, you talk interfaces and you talk quality, all of which Seagate excels in. Seagate's most infamous desktop/workstation appointed hard drives come from it's Barracuda series. Spinning at an insane 7200RPM and boasting the ATA66 specification, it is not a drive to be taken lightly."
"The Barracuda drive is equipped with the SeaSheild covering and can prevent any accidental damage to the drive that may occur whilst handling it. From what I could see underneath the SeaSheild, there is some foam which I would presume is moulded in such a way to create some sort of heat pipe, allowing a channel for the heat to escape from within."
"Well after Asus told us to take this down 2 weeks ago, we
have reposted the specs after a press release from Asus. The specs
were online for all of 5 hours last time so most of you did not get
to see them. A few highlights of this board include the ATA/100
Controller, Socket A CPU Support, AGP Pro Slot and 3 Thermal Sensor
Headers (great for a video card as well as CPU etc etc)
To cut costs the board design can easily migrate to KM133 Chipset in
the future."
05/31/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Here's a link
to a thread that might help sock your overclocking woes with the
Asus P3V4X.
I personally haven't tried it myself but someone might have the time
to do so. Enjoy and let me know
how it goes!!!
05/30/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
What Happens When You Overclock An Athlon 'Till It Goes Boom? Hmmm. I've
been wondering that myself. Anyway, I'm not "Insane"
enough to try so just go find out here.
"Ever wanted to know what happens when you overclock a little too far? Well this isn't quite what happens but wouldn't it be cool? I reckon. Well this burnt out Athlon need a cosmetic facelift so we kinda did a re-enactment of what SHOULD happen to the overclocker's glory."
05/30/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek CPU-bURN has a new review: "Alten KVM Switch Review"
Intro: "For those of you who read last weeks article on
“Converting your old PC to a Network File Server,” this article will
be of interest to you too. I know some of you use all the computers
you have stacked up in your spare bedroom or computer room to heat your
house in the cold winter months, but I found a 3 to 6 degree temperature
drop in my computer room with the Alten K/V/M Switch!"
a pioneer in the 3D graphics industry, Rendition has recently been clouded
with mystery lately. It was thought that they were working on an upcoming
video card, but then it was clarified that the board would never see the
light of day. Embedded Dram was going to be a key factor in this upcoming
board. What has Rendition been up to?"
You video card toting geeks should be interested in this. Send 'em a
longass list of stuffs to ask.
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I've updated our Socket
Cooler Roundup with a mini-review of the Global Win FKP32 and it
appears we have a new winner. Go read
for more. Be sure to check out the conclusion. It's important.
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
The BIG Dude over at PC-Alternative has an article on "How
to build your own PC." up for you newbies. It's a nice read.
Really!!! Even I went through every page just to see if I was doing it
right. Apparently, I don't know dick. So go now.
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Today at G3D:Gaming In 3d, you
can get a free Artic Circle for a Pentium III
(SECC2)! Who doesn't want this? Anyways, check out their
contest page for more
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
New Overclocking Hardware!!! Monster
PC has some new stuff from Global Win to throw at you at real kickass
prices. Check 'em out ASAP.
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Yippee!!! There's a new BABE OF THE WEEK!!! Go
check out her stuffs NOW!!!
05/29/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Dean has an article up comparing a 3Dfx
Voodoo3 3000 AGP to a Creative Labs 3DBlaster TNT2 Ultra. You can read it here.
05/28/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
BigSteve at Chick's
Hardware has finished his review of the iPlayMP3 Moveman Portable MP3
Player, which takes CompactFlash cards up to 320Mb!!
"The player
itself is not connected to the computer via a direct line or a docking
station like many other players, the Moveman uses a separate unit called
the RocketMP3 USB card reader, which is basically a generic CompactFlash
reader. Other readers are available which connect to an IDE connector or
PCMCIA slot.
is an ingenious idea, as the player doesn't need to be on when you are
storing MP3s to the card and saves the battery power on your player. The
RocketMP3 draws power directly from the USB port and also since it is USB
it gives transfer rates ranging from 500-800 Kbps. This
basically means that an MP3 can be transferred in a few seconds, the card
can be filled in under a minute."
05/27/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I've uploaded the final version of the site. Lemme
know if something's screwed up.
05/27/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Anyone interested in getting themselves a slick Athlon mobo? Check
out these babies over at Allhw.com.
All 24 of 'em, 10 of which use the venerable KX133.
Here's a quote: "AMD's Athlon is the hottest processor on the
market right now. But choosing the right motherboard is anything but easy.
We've pooled together all the information we could find about all the
currently available boards to save you time when making a decision. We
have all the specs, manufacturer information, manuals, pictures and
reviews on 24 different boards. Ten of the boards are based on Via's KX133
Chipset and the rest are based on AMD chipsets. We hope this compendium is
useful to you."
"19" monitors eh? Who would have em eh? Well for one thing they give you a hell of a lot of space to play around with when running at their recommended resolution, which is normally 1280*1024. Also games look much better when running above the normal 1024*768 Resolution (although frame rates start to suffer, unless you have a really powerful graphics card such as the GeForce, everyone start grinning now). We take a look at Belinea's budget offering the 106030 and see if its worth upgrading?"
05/26/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
Over at G3D:Gaming In 3d, they've
whipped up a short guide
on how to buy some decent computer parts. From CPUs to mousepads, they
cover a lot of stuff here and there.
Here's a quick blurb if you need one: "Okay, so you've got $5000 in cash and you want to
upgrade that old 386. What do you do? You've been out of it lately and
want to know what kind of parts you should buy. This is a quick guide to
help some of you guys out. These parts are in totally random order by the
The site is undergoing a major redesign to get the final look that we want
and also to make it easier to manage. It should be back on track by
We apologize for the inconvenience.
05/25/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek HardOCP has a review up one of the
"Coolest" things there is in the overclocking scene.
"It is a case module made in Denmark that has a
patented Vapor Phase cooling unit mounted in the top of it that is capable
of getting your CPU to BELOW FREEZING temperatures while under a load
depending on your specific conditions. The difference between this
one, and the other one on the market is very simple when it comes to what
is important to us OCers. The VapoChill unit is packaged for the
speed freaks that like to build and tweak their own systems. You can
purchase this unit "stripped down" and put any board/CPU
combination in it you want. There is certainly more to this, but we
will get to that later."
Sorry for the lack of updates today. Me
and Joey have been busy with another one of our mad projects. Wanna know
what it is? Well, I'll give you a clue. It's got 52Gb. of storage in a
4-drive (UDMA66, 7200RPM) stripe with a stick of Mugen's 256Mb. PC133
SDRAM module. ;-)
Stay tuned.
05/24/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek
I was doing ("trying to do" is a better term) a review of the
MSI 6309 earlier but unfortunately, I ran into a whole slew of
incompatibilities and crashes so I couldn't complete it. Sorry. Maybe my
mobo is busted, I dunno. I'll have it changed and see what happens.
05/24/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek Insane
Hardware has...well... an insanepicture
of AMD & Intel being friends. So although they have Processor wars,
they still sit down at the end of the day and enjoy a few beers together
and make ICs together :)
05/24/2000 - Posted by
Head Geek OCTools has an article up on "POTTING
THE PELTIER". Ok. I know many of you guys haven't had the chance
to get up close & personal with a TEC, but that don't mean you should
be totally ignorant about it.
Here's a quote: "With the proliferance of different cooling devices
to meet the ever chilling needs of overclockers, PELTIERS has become a
favorite and practical solution to most. But with peltiers comes the
issue of condensation and one of the best single precaution in preventing
that concern is by insulating it through potting".
"This tutorial is targeted at people who want to
install a case fan easily, without fears of ruining it forever with a
Dremel or any other tool. This category of people basically consists of
either beginners or lazy bums (like me). Best of all - it does work. And
if you decide to remove the fan, you don't necessarily leave your case
TweakTown has taken a look
at the Global Win FKP32 for FC-PGA, Celeron 370, Coppermine + all
Socket 7 CPUs. How does it perform against the Alpha PEP66? Read
the review
to find out!
Snip, snip:
"I know... I know we can't get enough of
our cooling products, tell those CoolerGuys to
stop sending them, jokin'
keep them coming. :) Tonight we take a look at the Global
Win FKP32 FC-PGA, for Celeron 370, Coppermine + all
Socket 7 chips... How does it perform against the likes of a Alpha
PEP66? Read on and find out!"
These guys should start sending me stuff too.
05/23/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek Abit sends word that they are
introducing a new motherboard to the market.
Taiwan, R.O.C. May 17th 2000 "Revealing
the next version of the award winning KA7, ABIT is announcing the KA7-100.
This board is designed to support AMD-K7 Athlon Slot A 200MHz FSB
Processors using the VIA VT8371(KX133) /VIA 686A chipset.It also supports all normal industry standard functions for
motherboards such as Advanced Configuration and Power Management
Interface (ACPI), AGP 4x and 100/133MHz SDRAM Memory Bus Settings.
The KA7-100 uses four 168-pin DIMM sockets supporting PC100/PC133
SDRAM modules up to 2 Gigabytes MAX. (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512MB
SDRAM). In addition, ABIT has added a new level of stability and
performance with their famous 6 chip Data Buffer Set with ECC
05/23/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
I just got word that Villman
has the new Celeron 566 FC-PGA processors in stock. Can anyone
confirm this?
Here's a quickie: "The Suntek TH-762 Mid ATX Case
is a good case overall. Sporting a clean and minimalist design, it
should appeal to the corporate and the casual home users alike. It
features easy access to the internals, high quality steel
construction with folded edges and above average cooling
capabilities. The carrying handle and the fan duct are nice
additions to the case too."
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek GotApex has a little review
of the Asus CUBX mobo. Some people have been asking about this but I
haven't a clue. Go check this out instead.
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
Check out what's cookin' at Kyle's.
"I got myself a couple of those new cb0
stepping Coppermines. Two 800MHz units made in Malaysia and I've
been beating it harder than a frat boy on a lonely Tuesday
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
There's a new feature on OCM and I'm sure a lot of you will be
interested in this. If you'll look to the right, you'll see a link
to the Babe of the Week.
Wonder who it is for this week? And no!!! This is not a prelude to
our becoming a pr0n site.
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek Insane Hardware has got
a Press Release Up about the Remarked Athlon Situation In Australia.
"AMD has confirmed that a single small batch
of remarked Athlon processors was detected in Western Australia. The
company believes it has recovered all of the remarked chips and is
continuing a full investigation into the incident."
"AMD takes this occurrence very seriously and
is acting to prevent any recurrence," AMD said.
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
A guy from Canada named John Finley sent over some pics of his
stuffs. Errr, not those stuffs. I mean his computer stuffs. Check here
if you wanna see some results he got from an Asus P3V4X and an
overclocked PIII-600E. Betcha can't guess what it's overclocked to.
05/22/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
The Forum has been moved here.
Kindly update all your links and bookmarks and post your messages
there for better coverage.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
The old forum is still operational but belongs to Monster
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
I don't know if this means anything but I get to be on Webstat's
Top 100 list. Kinda funky huh?
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Insane Hardware has got the juice on Asus again and this time it is on a brand spankin' new Asus mainboard which
supports DUAL FC-PGA natively. Dubbed the CUR-DLS, this baby has LAN and SCSI onboard and uses PC133 SDRAM. Surprisingly this board hasn't got an Intel or a VIA Chipset which means no MTH issues nor bandwidth troubles. They also have lots of nice photos of the board including some interesting shots of the first FC-PGA CPU terminator Card.
"For awhile now, the hardware community has been awaiting the arrival of a mainboard capable of running Dual FC-PGA Processors that would not need the assistance of PowerLeap adaptors. With the demise of Intel's i820 chipset and the lack of i840 mainboards, Asus were left with one alternative when looking for a chipset vendor. VIA were out of the question due to the poor memory bandwidth required to pump the data
through to the Processors so they turned to ServerWorks who are well known in the Server industry for well rounded and robust chipset combinations."
Too bad this thing still isn't available. Here's another FC-PGA
touting dual board from MSI that has yet to be released.
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
The critics over at PC Critix have
some Via AGP 4.02
driver testing done on the Asus
P3V4X which we just reviewed. I didn't bother doing it since I wanted
to test the new Via 4-in-1 pack that seems to be delayed.
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Monster PC has updated the
"Hardware for sale" list again. Check it out here.
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek OC Max sends word that they have some
results from a PIII-650 Coppermine at 975Mhz. here
and some 3DMark2000 scores from a PIII-700 Coppermine at 1008Mhz. here.
Awesome stuffs if I may say so myself.
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
The handsome geek at Overclocking,
Manila has put together another review.
This time, it's of the Asus P3V4X motherboard. Go read it!!!
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
The dudes over at
TweakTown have started
doing How-To guides. What?!?!? Have they gone mad??? Not really. Go check
out the first one on how
to install a hard drive.
Quick quote: "If you have another Hard Drive on the same channel
(ie 2 Hard Drives on IDE1) you will need to make one Master and the other
Slave. Make the Hard Drive with Windows on it Master as this what your
system will look for to boot off of..."
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
This Saturday at G3D, they take a
quick peek at the MX400. Can't decide between the SQ2500 or the MX400?
Read their review
to find out which one is right for you.
"In the end, if you want a decent sound card for a fair price, than
this is a pretty good card to check out. You shouldn't expect too much in
the software bundle or in the performance in un-supported games, but for
the price, it's just right. I would only recommend this card to you if
your a budget gamer."
05/21/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Insane Hardware sent over an
update as to what is it exactly you can win.
Here goes: "To celebrate this, we are
giving away a few prizes to some lucky people who register with us
including an Aopen AK-72 Athlon Mainboard, an Intel Pentium III
Backpack, an Iwill Slocket-II, a HighSpeed PC TweekDevice 2 Gold Finger and
an Athlon Dual Fan HSF."
05/20/2000 - Posted by Head
Those crazy dudes over at Insane
Hardware have set up a new forum known as The
Asylum. Go register and you just might win something.
Snip: "With the likes of Abit, Asus, Epox, MSI releasing
new bios updates just about every month you really do need to know how to
flash your bios with the latest updates. The bios (or cmos) allows you to
change system options like CPU Overclocking, Voltages, Time /
05/19/2000 - Posted by Head
I'll be moving The Forum over to EZBoard.
Check it out here and tell me
what you think.
05/19/2000 - Posted by Head
We'd like to take time-out and welcome a newcomer to the local hardware
All I can say is I hope they don't do iMacs and I hope the dude over there
doesn't actually live an "alternative" lifestyle. You know.
Alternative. PCs. Oh, screw it. ;-) Just go give it a look and
05/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Wanna get in touch with us? Use the "Contact Us" button on the
menu or just click here. All contact
info has been updated.
05/19/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Kyle over at HardOCP
has a review up of the Agilent ArctiCooler.
Here's a teaser: "Agilent has been claiming to enter the CPU cooling game and
do it better, faster, and cheaper than the competition. (Well I
actually made up the cheap part, but it did sound good.) Agilent has
finally delivered and given the Hard|OCP the honor of cranking up the
first one for review on the Net."
Now when do you think these guys
would send stuff over here? Prolly never!!!
Technologies has been beating down Intel by showing the hardware world
that they can make a top quality chipset, something Intel hasn't had too
good of luck in doing these past few months. Via chipset based
motherboards are quickly becoming the favorite choice in the overclocking
world due to it's incredible stability. I myself have been a little
reluctant to trade off my ABIT BE6-II due to a slight memory performance
lag in the Via chipsets. However, new bios updates with a few tweaks
here and there are closing the performance gap making Via chipset based
motherboards the ideal upgrade choice. Let's take a look at one of
our upgrade choices, the Gigabyte
05/18/2000 - Posted by Head
In the market for a new monitor? Check out this compilation
of something like 110, 19in. models put together by our buds over at Allhw.com.
Here's a snip: "The monitor is the most important part of the
computer. Some may argue with me, but the monitor is often the most
expensive and most thoroughly used part of the computer. CPUs, video cards
and motherboards come and go, but the monitor is always right there in
your face. So you better have a good one."
05/18/2000 - Posted by Head
550E FC-PGA to 825Mhz!
Magic Torch Overclocking has posted a new article about overclocking a 550E all the way to 825mhz with some crazy 3D Mark2000 scores along the way and some competitive Quake III frame rates :-)
05/18/2000 - Posted by Head
Monster PC and Overclocking, Manila are now sharing forums to help keep
things simple. Start posting here.
05/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Virtual Hideout is proud to present the Dremel How-To
Guide! I know I should have left this guide for Tim "The Toolman" Taylor, but we're talking about case mods here!!
"For a case mod freak, the Dremel is a very valuable tool to have. It lets you mutilate.....
errr....... I mean modify your PC case in ways you have never dreamed possible. It is very easy to handle and it carries out it's intended purpose without much hassle. I know this, not only because I'm a mod freak, but also because I own one!!! I knew from the very moment I laid my eyes on this baby that I got to have it!!!"
05/17/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Insane Hardware has got pics and specs on Asus' new boards for FC-PGA and Thunderbird processors. The CUSL2 (i815 Solano) board even has features like slowing down overheated CPUs!!! Its like "SpeedStep" for mobos. Sure to save the overclocker a CPU or two! This board even has ATA100.
The A7V is Asus's first SocketA board based on the KZ133 chipset and has an ATA100 controller onboard.
05/17/2000 - Posted by Head
The guys over at G3D have a review
on the Senfu Water Cooler. Here's a quickie:
"The most common type of water-cooling uses a water
pump and a water block. It works by pumping water through the water block, which is attached to
the CPU and either through a radiator or back into where it came from. A water
block is a piece of machine metal that has cut outs or water channels that
water is forced through and absorbs the heat coming from the CPU or heat source. The Senfu cooler uses this method with a radiator and does it
05/16/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek TweakTown takes a look at the
Logitech QuickCam Express. Here's a quote:
"Guess what? Even the Logitech
QuickCam Express can be tweaked, that's right the default frames per
second was set at 15, can't have that, this unit support a maximum of 30
frames per second which results in a pretty smooth transmission. The
maximum video capture size is 352x 288, not as big as I would have liked,
but still ok..."
05/16/2000 - Posted by Head
The guys over at Insane Hardware
have posted an updated version of their "Insaned" Bios image
file for the ASUS K7V because ASUS released a new Bios for this particular
motherboard. You can grab them here.
05/16/2000 - Posted by Head
There's a nVidia Detonator driver comparison over at Planet
Savage. Click here
if you wanna read it.
05/16/2000 - Posted by Head
The guys are working on the CGI that'll let us post news from the WWW
easily. Hopefully, it'll be functional real soon. Thanks for your
In the meantime, I'm inviting anyone and everyone to submit any articles,
reviews, guides and/or pics to help build the site. "I'm gonna make
you famous!!!". ;-)
05/15/2000 - Posted by Head
Geek Dean over at Planet
Savage sends word that he has an overclocking article up. It's about
his experience with an Intel PIII-550E processor that he was able to
really get up. I think he's ok, but he gave me a really good beating and
took this processor from me. What a nut!!! Read it here.
05/14/2000 - Posted by Head
We are officially going online!!! Finally!!!
To start things off, we have a little review of an Epox BX6 motherboard. This is an
amazing BX-based motherboard that we think should be a top contender for
your moolah. Check it out here.
03/17/2000 - Posted
by Head Geek
We are currently looking for computer hardware stores who would
like some of their products to be reviewed. Please send mail to: ocmanila@asia.com